It was soft, light, pristine
Like the falling stars,
The fluffy snow flakes were silent,
And spoke of tenderness.
An evening that was,
It hardened the next day,
With people walking over it,
And then it became slippery.
Love that was!
The horizon was clear
With that aurora light,
Nothing was obscure, nothing was to hide,
under that starry sky,
But the very next day,
The Sun was ablaze in that desert,
It parched the throat,
It parched the heart,
Love that was!
The waves cradled the boat,
Humming the eternal notes of longing,
With a constant rhythm,
Assuring and allaying,
Lurking underneath
Was the storm unknown
It made the waves fierce,
And drowned all that it held close.
Love that was!
Copyright © Aradhana Mishra
Photo Credit #Photographyoffice
I would love to understand the symbolism hidden in the poem from you…coz everytime i read a great poem i always wish the poet himself /herself could have explained what inspired it the meaning too rather than leaving it for critical appreciation or maybe the interpretation by the reader…It’s beautifully penned…
Dear Arti,
One can’t feel thankful enough to have a reader like you! You encourage me, motivate me..always! For the symbolism ..well I would like the readers only to put meaning to that. Sometimes its best left unexplained in order to lend it more universal entreaty!